All American Assisted Living at Raynham
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How to Support a Loved One as They Make the Move to Assisted Living

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Moving day is finally here. Although your parent or loved one is all smiles and is cracking jokes as you help them load the boxes into the truck, you can tell your loved one is sad to be leaving their home and moving to an uncertain future. Every person experiences these feelings, but that doesn’t mean they’re right or true.

Here are just a few ways you can help your loved one adjust to their assisted living situation and prepare them to enjoy their golden years.

Keep Making Regular Plans With Your Loved One

No matter who you are or where you came from, we all need a strong social network to experience all the joys the world has to offer. That couldn’t be more true for your loved ones in assisted living.

Moving into an assisted living community does not mean your loved one has to live as a shut-in so try picking them up for a day at the beach, zoo, or festival, and show them that there is still a ton of fun to be had in their golden years.

Surprise Them With Baking and Treats

People move into assisted living homes for a number of health-related reasons, and unfortunately, some of these health issues may prevent a person from enjoying hobbies that they used to adore.

Whether you’re baking it at home or picking it up at a local pastry shop, bringing food and baking to your loved ones can help improve their days and provide them with meals they wouldn’t otherwise have. No one’s ever said no to a fresh loaf of banana bread, and who knows, your delicious delivery might just make their day!

Keep Their Choices and Independence Central

Leaving the house you’ve called home for many years can be very stressful, especially if it’s for safety or health reasons that you feel you have no control over.

When helping a parent or loved one move into an assisted living home, be sure to keep them involved in the decision process every step of the way, from which community they like best to the floor plans and decorations of their suites.

Encourage Them to Grow into Their New Home

You can take your loved one out for regular trips in the city, bring them all the baking in the world, and keep their opinions in the front of your mind, but at the end of the day the most successful way to help them transition to assisted living is for them to enjoy their new home.

Assisted living homes are filled with individuals who have fascinating life stories and interests, and many of them may have the same hobbies as your loved ones! So encourage them to take part in group activities and discover new friends who can help make their stay so much better.

Making the move to an assisted living can be a very stressful affair for the best of us, but so many opportunities for fun and joy await your loved ones. Give our assisted living professionals a call today at 516 496-1505 or visit us online and find out how a stay with us can give your loved ones the “suite” life they’ve always wanted.

Written by All American Assisted Living at Raynham

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