All American Assisted Living at Raynham
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Can Diabetes Cause Memory Loss?

People with diabetes are more at risk of cognitive impairment leading to forgetfulness, inability to learn new things, and problems with attention. These issues can be mild and have little impact on someone’s ability to live independently, or can be more extreme, leading to dementia. Diabetes can cause cognitive problems, including memory issues. With proper […]

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What Is a Good Exercise Program for Seniors?

Exercise provides measurable benefits for people, regardless of their age—but as we get older, the needs and abilities of our bodies change. Seniors who want to stay fit and healthy often require different considerations when it comes to exercise than people who are in different stages of their lives. We’ve spent years cultivating activity programs […]

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Benefits of Staying Hydrated During the Hot Summer Months

The summer months are a great time to spend outdoors with friends and family! Between the beach, the patio dinners, and the outdoor activities—there is no shortage of ways you can spend time out in the beautiful weather. One way to make sure you’re enjoying the warm weather is to ensure that you’re getting enough […]

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