All American Assisted Living at Raynham
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What to Do When Elderly Parent Is Wandering at Night

Caring for a senior loved one can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. One of the tasks that often causes caregivers stress is when their loved one begins wandering at night. This can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, or even scared—not to mention worried about your loved one’s safety.  Fortunately, there are ways to […]

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10 Great Ways Seniors Can Volunteer in the Community

Volunteering can be a great way to stay engaged and active as you age, retire, or move into a senior living community. No matter your lifestyle, volunteering can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Volunteering in the community offers seniors an opportunity to give back to their communities and make a positive impact on […]

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How to Decide Between Podiatrist or Pedicurist for Senior Foot Care

Taking care of our feet is important for general health. Those in assisted living or memory care may require more assistance to care for their bodies. Older adults may experience more foot problems due to the wear and tear of joints, thinning skin, and reduced circulation.  To help maintain general foot care for seniors, you […]

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Can Diabetes Cause Memory Loss?

People with diabetes are more at risk of cognitive impairment leading to forgetfulness, inability to learn new things, and problems with attention. These issues can be mild and have little impact on someone’s ability to live independently, or can be more extreme, leading to dementia. Diabetes can cause cognitive problems, including memory issues. With proper […]

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What Is a Good Exercise Program for Seniors?

Exercise provides measurable benefits for people, regardless of their age—but as we get older, the needs and abilities of our bodies change. Seniors who want to stay fit and healthy often require different considerations when it comes to exercise than people who are in different stages of their lives. We’ve spent years cultivating activity programs […]

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