All American Assisted Living at Raynham
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Talking to Your Children About Assisted Living Care

Talking about assisted living care can be incredibly difficult, and although there are many resources for children looking to start the challenging conversation with their parents, the same cannot be said for proactive parents. Rather than waiting for your children to make the decision for you, we recommend that you start the conversation early so that you […]

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Top 3 Healthy Habits for Seniors

No matter our age, every one of us can adopt a few new habits to boost our health and happiness. By eating well, exercising often, and getting enough sleep, you can reduce your risk of serious illness and improve your overall quality of life throughout your golden years. Let’s break down the benefits of some […]

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How to Choose a Power of Attorney

Choosing a power of attorney can be a difficult process, but it’s an important part of lifetime planning and can help to protect your assets later in life. Here’s our guide to help you choose your power of attorney.  What Is a Power of Attorney?  Assigning a power of attorney is the act of appointing […]

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Corona Virus – Updates & Prevention

12/04/20 UPDATE: COVID-19 VACCINE INFORMATION: We are excited to announce we have registered for the COVID-19 vaccine. Front line healthcare workers and residents of long term care facilities will be in the initial phase to receive the vaccine. As part of Operation Warp Speed the COVID-19 vaccine will be free to all citizens of the […]

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How to Support a Loved One with Alzheimer’s

When someone you love is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it is not only overwhelming for them, but it also affects those around them. Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease that causes a disruption in communication among neurons, ultimately causing a loss of motor skills and memory. This can feel incredibly devastating as the disease progresses differently for everyone. […]

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